Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012

New Lifedrawing

A few quick sketches compiled onto one page. All these are  around the one minute mark. 

Friday, July 13, 2012

More sketches

Animation Art Show!!

Here's my submission for the Animation Art Show which is being held on the 29th of July, in The Science Gallery in Dublin. Head on down there and you can buy some amazing pieces. All the proceeds go to The Children's Sunshine Home and LauraLynn House. 

Here's the rough drawing that I started with. Changed the watch to a pipe. I kinda wish I had enough time to have another bash at this one, but hopefully someone will like it enough to pay something for it for a good cause. 

Boots Family Trust

Here's a logo I did recently for The Boots Family Trust which has been set up to raise funds for research and support for postnatal depression. Illustrator Head over to the facebook page if you are interested in helping out a good cause: http://www.facebook.com/BootsFamilyTrust


More life drawings from The Mill sessions...


Its a chimp.

Its a boat

People in work

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Animal Sketches

Old Sea Dog

These are designs I did a while back. He might still get used for something. I have been trying to get myself to do more drawn animation now that I have sold my soul and gone all computer-y so I might use him for that. He looks like he would be fun to animate.

Various Sketches

Here's a few that were just lying around.

A few of the character designs are from a project I was contributing to that may or may not still see the light of day so no stealing please.

This guy was fun. There's a lot more of him but I cant seem to find them at the moment.

The Portrait Gallery in London is pretty good for drawing. This one is from a bust of some squire or other.

I cant remember what this guy was for but I still like him.
These are a really early design of a kind of hover-bike. I have never really tried to do vehicle design before so I started really loosely blocking the shapes in marker first before going into more detail. I like the roughness of these ones though.

I'm hoping this little guy will turn into something.

This ones a marker sketch on the plane during one of my trips back to Dublin. I really don't like flying at all so I think I did this as a distraction from the gigantic flying metal coffin that was taking me on my bumpy way home.
This ones for a project that died a death unfortunately.Here's another character from the waiter thing I was toying with from a previous post. God knows if it will ever evolve into a full script but hes fun to draw. It looks really messy because I was trying out blocking the shape with marker first.